The first cartesian proof of the existence of God: the proof by efects


  • Luis Biasoli Universidade de Caxias do Sul (UCS)


Descartes. Proof of the Existence of God. Causality. Formal reality.


The proof of the certainty of the truth of God's existence, through reason, has always been a challenge for all thinkers who tried to justify, metaphysically, this truth in the history of philosophical ideas. Given that Descartes inscribed his name in Western metaphysics, also, because he sought to prove the existence of God in a rational-philosophical way, this article aims to reconstruct the main points of the first proof of the existence of God developed and defended by Descartes in the Third Metaphysical Meditation (1641). Our investigative method will be the critical-analytical one, through which we will seek to put in evidence, by means of a systematic-bibliographical revision of the author's work and of some of his main commentators, the central metaphysical nuclei of the Cartesian itinerary that evidence the certainty of the truth of God's existence. As a conclusion of the research, it is concluded that the certainty of the truth of God's existence, in Descartes, cannot be dissociated from his method of discovery of truth; moreover, the existence of the Cartesian God is epistemologically proven before one has the metaphysical certainty of the truth of the existence of external and sensitive objects, as it was commonly done in ancient-medieval theology.

Author Biography

Luis Biasoli, Universidade de Caxias do Sul (UCS)

Pós-Doutorado em Filosofia do século XVII (Descartes-Espinosa) (PUCRS, 2018). Graduação em Economia (UFRGS, 2005), Filosofia (FAFIMC, 1996), e Direito (FSG, 2014). Mestrado (2008) e Doutorado em Filosofia (PUCRS, 2011). Atualmente, é professor de Bioética da Faculdade Fátima e da Universidade de Caxias do Sul (UCS). Pesquisa, escreve, traduz e comenta a Filosofia do Século XVII, sobremaneira Descartes e Espinosa. Ademais, escreve obras e pesquisa nas temáticas: Bioética, Biodireito, Ética, Políticas públicosociais, Novas formas de Democracia e sua crise, Educação, Transhumanismo, Novas Tecnologias aplicadas à Vida, bioética e fim da vida, sempre dissertando e pesquisando por um viés interdisciplinar e muldisciplinar. Coordena, atualmente, na UCS o grupo de Pesquisa, Inovação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico (NID): Observatório de Estudos e Práticas para Culturas de Paz que tem parceria institucional com a Cátedra da UNESCO da Universidade Católica de Brasília.


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