Ideology and algorithms: an analysis from the concept of ideology in Arendt


  • Leonardo Brandalise Machado Universidade Federal de Rondônia


Algoritmos. Ideologia. Totalitarismo. Hannah Arendt.


The present work starts from a futuristic perspective in which there is a great possibility that we will face new totalitarianism in case of continuity of the content filtering made individually through algorithms. To support this hypothesis, a definition of algorithm was presented, and it was explained how it works in the individual content filtering. Then we analyzed the concept of ideology in Hannah Arendt and emphasized how the process of ideologization through algorithms has brought us closer to totalitarianism since, for the author, all ideologies have totalitarian elements. Finally, we propose that the ethical thinking of Hans Jonas, in which responsibility should serve as reference for choices that impacts future, be used for construction of algorithms or reflections on their role, so that we avoid the formation of “ideological bubbles” and enhance a gain of perspective in obtaining a free conscience. 


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