The preferential option for the poor since Puebla


  • Antônio Ronaldo Vieira Nogueira Faculdade Católica de Fortaleza (FCF)
  • Joaquim Jocélio de Sousa Costa Faculdade Católica de Fortaleza (FCF)


Puebla. Option for the poor. Pastoral praxis.


Commemorating 40 years since the Third Latin American and Caribbean Episcopal Conference, in Puebla, a question arises among the various topics addressed by that conference: the “preferential option for the poor”, as much by the power in itself, as by its repercussion during the Conference and posteriorly to it. The Medellin conference had already addressed the “vision, preferential, the poorer and needy sectors”, moreover, it was in Puebla that the expression emerged “preferential option for the poor”, when it was affirmed and became adopted and respited not only by the Magisterium of the Latin American Church as also in documents of the Pontifical Magisterium. Thus, this work seeks to reflect: The preferential option for the poor since Puebla. To this end, the first point will treat the synergy/continuation that this question had in Puebla in relation to Medellin. A second point will explore some resistances to the option for the poor that appeared during the Conference. A third and last point will present the development of this theme in the pastoral praxis of the Latin American Church and in documents of the Magisterium of the episcopate of Latin America ad of the Pontifical Magisterium. It addresses a complex and conflictual question, more radically consequent with the Gospel.


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