The doctrine of the Holy Trinity in the light of the Bible as organic and indivisible unity


  • Silas Abner dos Reis Lopes Universidade de Santiago (US)


Trinity. Essence. Indivisible. Personality. Unity. Plurality.


This article seeks to address one of the most difficult doctrines to understand in all of Holy Scripture, yet revealed implicitly in the Old Testament and explicitly in the New. The doctrine of the Holy Trinity is one of the pillars of the Christian faith and, at the same time, a mystery revealed in Sacred Scripture. Although being one God subsists in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, both endowed with intellect, will and emotion, yet the deity of the three Persons compose an organic and indivisible unity, coeternal in glory and majesty. This biblical doctrine is not a human theoretical construct conceived by finite reason, but revealed throughout the Scriptures, first quite embryonic in the Old Testament but later developed in the pages of the New Testament by a brilliant and infinite mind. In the Divinity there is a unity of essence but, at the same time, a plurality of persons, coexisting from eternity, participating in the work of the redemption of humanity in an organic, plural, composite and conjunctural unity, however, indivisible

Author Biography

Silas Abner dos Reis Lopes, Universidade de Santiago (US)

Teólogo, Apologeta e mestrando em Português como Língua segunda pela Universidade de Santiago (US) em Cabo Verde. República de Cabo Verde, cidade do Porto Inglês, ilha do Maio.


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