The distinction of reason between the Good and the Being in Thomas Aquinas


  • Iago Nicolas de Abreu Soares Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)


Well.Transcendentals.Thomas Aquinas.


This article will analyze how Thomas Aquinas establishes the rational or logical relationship between the notion of being (ens) and good. First, we define the good and how it derives from the notion of being (which is what is first known by the intellect) through the relationship between being and will. Thus establishing the transcendentality of the good by recognizing its derivation as a general mode of universal extension and, therefore, convertible with the being according to reality, but distinct according to reason. After that, we will argue with Thomas why it can be said that the absolute notion of being does not have logical identity with the absolute notion of good. Finally, we will demonstrate the priority of the being in relation to the good in the order of cognition, and the priority of the good in relation to the being in the order of causality.


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