The discovery of cogito in Descartes


  • Greice Sansão Araldi Faculdade Metropolitana do Estado de São Paulo


Discovery. Cogito. René Descartes.


The article presents the discovery of the cogito in the philosophy of René Descartes. Discovery is laid out in the systematic course of methodical doubt thought through the exercise of reason. Descartes thinks against tradition, and elaborates arguments through doubt, to the point of discovering the first certainty, the basis of his rationalist philosophy. The objectives outlined in this article were: to present the sociocultural context of the philosopher and to understand the process of methodical doubt in the discovery of the first certainty and its nature. To do so, the bibliographic research method will be used, mainly based on Emanuela Scribano, John Cottingham and Raul Landim Filho, as well as the help of master's and doctoral works by Brazilian scholars on the theme and philosopher. The results elucidated how Descartes formulates new arguments and presents a new ontological foundation in the history of philosophy from the self.

Author Biography

Greice Sansão Araldi, Faculdade Metropolitana do Estado de São Paulo

Graduada em Filosofia pela Faculdade São Luiz. Pós-Graduada em Filosofia, Ética e Cidadania pela Faculdade Metropolitana do Estado de São Paulo. Realiza pesquisas no campo da filosofia moderna


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