Happiness according to Saint Bernard of Clairvaux: love as the path that leads man to union with God and deification


  • Gabriel Ramires Verçosa Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM)


Happiness. Love. Deification. Charity. God. Blessedness.


The problem of happiness has always been the subject of various philosophical and theological discussions, as upon its principles and notions, man will develop his life and shape his actions. As we examine the ancient Greek philosophers, as well as Saint Augustine, we notice that happiness is connected to the refinement of human existence. This refinement would occur as an approximation of likeness to divinity or in some way linked to it: a state of perfection that man can attain. But how does one reach such perfection and happiness? Socrates proposes the virtue of knowledge; Plato puts forth the Idea of the Good and the politics within the city-state (polis); Aristotle emphasizes intellect and contemplation; Saint Augustine demonstrates that philosophy leads to God, and the one who possesses Him is happy. With Saint Bernard, as will be presented in this study, we find the happiness of man grounded in love (charity), which leads him to union with God – a deification. To achieve such an end, the state of blessedness, man goes through certain stages in his love for God, transitioning from self-interested and interested love to love for God for His own sake and without self-interest.

Author Biography

Gabriel Ramires Verçosa, Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM)

Graduação em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM). Tem experiência na área de Filosofia da Educação, com ênfase em Filosofia Medieval.


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