Continuing education: a reflection on teaching practice


  • Luciana de Souza Silva Word University Ecumenical
  • Raimunda Cristina Alves da Silva Word University Ecumenical
  • Verônica de Oliveira Alves Word University Ecumenical


Education. Emancipation. Continuing Training. Reflection. Knowledge.


The present article made a brief analysis about the Continuing Formation of Teachers in the perspective of reflective education, in the light of theorists who deal with this theme, as well as to discuss the advances/changes of Formation, as a process of emancipation of the human subjects involved. It is understood that education is a social practice that builds pedagogical knowledge from practice and for practice. This perspective means expanding the teaching concept, where theory and pedagogical practice are expressions of knowledge and the source of development of teaching praxis. It is also intended to make a brief historical review of the course of Continuing Teacher Education, from its beginning to the present day and, therefore, to raise questions about why training actions for teachers have not achieved objectives of transforming their knowledge. produced in the daily life of schools and also to discuss how an emancipatory training practice can become a permanent process of reflection in the socialization of knowledge collectively produced by teachers. To this end, it is postulated that it is necessary to invest in public policies for Continuing Education that are increasingly aligned between the management of teachers' knowledge and the reality experienced by students, in order to prioritize the teacher as the subject of their pedagogical knowledge/doing, recognizing himself as a changeable agent (action-reflection-action) and that he can translate his reality into emancipating actions, strengthening his daily production in a process of reflection on his practice, aiming at a full and liberating education for himself and for others.


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