Articles II & III of the Symbolum Apostolorum according to the Catecism of the Catholic Church


  • Gabriel Dias Ferraz Faculdade de Teologia da Arquidiocese de Brasília (FATEO)


Christology. Apostolic Creed. Magisterium. Catechism. Theologians. Heresies.


The Catholic Church’s Magisterium, through the teaching of the Catechism, presents in a clear and evident way the doctrine on the II and III articles of the Apostolic Creed. Theologians, in the history of the Church, also complemented what was presented in this traditional Creed present between Christians since its beginning. The two sought to address topics such as: Incarnation and its theological consequences; Mary and divine motherhood; Christ in his mysteries, between his baptism and his triumphant entry into Jerusalem. In view of this, the central theme of Christ's life is the sending of Jesus by the Father to reach sinful humanity, that was so much needed his help. Therefore, the whole life of Jesus is a mystery of redemption and, since his conception, humanity was being redeemed by the New Adam. However, this same Magisterium had to defend Christ from theological distortions that arose, mainly in the first centuries of Christianity. Faced with this scenario, theological and dogmatic elaboration stood out in the Church and developed to deepen the themes presented in the Symbolum Apostolorum

Author Biography

Gabriel Dias Ferraz, Faculdade de Teologia da Arquidiocese de Brasília (FATEO)

Bacharel em Filosofia pela Faculdade de Teologia da Arquidiocese de Brasília (FATEO). Graduando em Teologia pela FATEO. Pós-Graduando em Educação Clássica pela Faculdade da Serra da Mesa (FASEM).


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