Heraclito of Ephesus in the Amazon of the 21st century: brief dialogical approach of indigenous etnology with philosophical propaedeutics


  • José Dalvo Santiago da Cruz Faculdade Santa Teresa


Heraclitus. Amazon. Ontology. Logos. Culture.


Bringing Heraclitus of Ephesus to the Amazon of the 21st century seems like a provocation, but philosophically it is not, because anyone who reads him with even minimal attention realizes the relevance of his words throughout the centuries of Western ontological construction. This article proposes to temporize physis in Heraclitus by carrying out a critical approach to the otherness composed of the Western mentality with the Amazon, here treated - and conceptualized - as a holistic ontology constituted by ethnic-cultural diversity hominized in a totemic, animistic and non-Western symbolic system because it is still moved by narrations carried out by entities elsewhere in the Cartesianism that guides contemporary modernity. Objectives: (i) Briefly present physis in Heraclitus; (ii) Point out aspects of the westernization of the Amazon and (iii) Say that Heraclitus of Ephesus is contemporary in the 21st century in the conception of physis. It is concluded that the ontology in the concept of what can be physis is similar to that conceived by native Amazonian ontology researched in the area of ​​indigenous ethnology in different theoretical biases. It is postulated that philosophically constructed ontology has affinity with ethnologically constructed culture. Different methods, but perhaps with similar purposes to the search for human metaphysical understanding.

Author Biography

José Dalvo Santiago da Cruz, Faculdade Santa Teresa

Graduação em Filosofia pelo Centro Universitário Assunção, especialização em Antropologia na Amazônia pela Universidade Federal do Amazonas, mestrado em Educação (Currículo) pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo e doutorado em linguistica pela universidade de Nantes. Atuou como professor de alfabetização nas áreas indígenas Waimiri-Atroari e na Yanomami. Trabalhou como professor de filosofia e antropologia na Universidade Nilton Lins, Centro universitário do Norte, Faculdade Santa Teresa, Universidade do Estado do Amazonas e Universidade Federal do Amazonas.


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