The magisterium of Pope Francis and the welcoming of women


  • Valmir Ferreira da Silva Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUCSP)


Pope Francis. Women. Vatican. Evangelii Gaudium. Fratelli Tutti.


This article seeks to present some excerpts from Pope Francis' public and private audiences for women and also to reflect on their performance in the Amazon region. The present text also seeks to present the reflections made at the Latin American and Caribbean Conference of 2007, where the Latin American bishops point out the problems that Latin American women suffer, the Earth Charter, a declaration that was written in 1992, will also be presented, with a view to presenting concrete gestures to help preserve nature, promote an egalitarian policy and guarantee women’s rights and the presence of women presented by Pope Francis in the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium e Fratelli Tutti. And finally, to present the importance of synodality in the life of the Church and the reflection on the role of the laity in the ecclesial community, as active agents in the promotion and evangelization of the existential and geographical peripheries.

Author Biography

Valmir Ferreira da Silva, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUCSP)

Graduando em Teologia pela Pontifícia Universidade de São Paulo (PUCSP).


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PAPA FRANCISCO. Carta Encíclica Fratelli Tutti. Sobre a fraternidade e a amizade social. São Paulo: Paulus, 2020.

PAPA FRANCISCO. Exortação Apostólica Evangelii Gaudium: sobre o anúncio do Evangelho no mundo atual. São Paulo: Paulinas, 2014.

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