The various Meursaults in The Foreigner


  • Lucas Alves Damasceno Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)


Meursault. Stranger. Characters. Existentialism. Camus.


This paper explains about the presence of some characters in the book The Stranger. The reason for the importance of these observations related to these characters is for the fact that they seem to attract the attention of the protagonist. By the way, everything lead to the possibility of the existence of some sort of relation between the characters that will be analyzed in this paper and the protagonist Meursault. The relation which is so quoted here is about some resemblances that make this characters to be seem as “another strangers” in the book, notwithstanding that relation between the characters could be unperceived in a first reading. The objective of this text will be, precisely, the attempt of achieve some conclusion about the nature of this relation between the characters. In order to achieve this objective, some necessary parts of the book will be quoted followed by the proper arguments and explanations. And, as long as it seems necessary, some problems will be solved if such problems present themselves as an obstacle to the understanding of the book.

Author Biography

Lucas Alves Damasceno, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

Graduando em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC).


CAMUS, Albert. The stranger. Tradução por Matthew Ward. Nova Iorque. Random House, Inc. 1989.





Filosofia Moderna e Contemporânea