Brazil and the world: conquest and foundations for the evolution of Farias Brito's thinking


  • Tiago dos Santos Alves


Man. Philosophy. Knowledge. Recife School.


Raimundo de Farias Brito (1862-1917) would have all the characteristics to be one more among the many migrants that figure in the history of Ceará as well as any other region in the Brazilian Northeast. However, the realities that permeated his life, from childhood in the small village of São Benedito to his death in Rio de Janeiro, are milestones that present themselves in the philosopher's way of seeing the world and thus seeking to unravel it. Following this perspective, this text seeks to present some elements that make up the philosopher's trajectory when he left São Benedito, his first studies in Sobral, his visit to Fortaleza and his studies in Law at the Recife Faculty. In this interplay, the reality of the drought contrasting with the Belle Époque present in Fortaleza and the cultural renewal experienced in Recife mark his way of questioning his surroundings, building a philosophical framework that thinks about the present reality and launches perspectives on its consequences. The text is divided into three parts, presenting the general panorama of the time, followed by the historical construction of Farias Brito, culminating with his studies at Escola do Recife. 


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