The itinerary of Brazilian Philosophy: philosophical reflections of the study group on Brazilian Philosophy (GEFIBRA)


  • Sandonaity Monteiro Amorim Júnior


Brazil. Philosophy. Influences. Itinerary.


About two years ago, the study group on Brazilian systematic philosophy at the Catholic University of Fortaleza (FCF) began its activities by debating the philosophical itinerary of Brazil from colonial times to contemporary times. It was noticed with such an analysis that it was the Jesuit priests who initiated and preserved the metaphysical discourses in Brazilian philosophy, however such metaphysical debates were getting very out of step due to the heyday of the technicist era. In this sense, the Brazilian philosophical context has for a long time been dominated by positivist thoughts, without having philosophers who could solidly recover a metaphysical debate strong enough to bargain with the prevailing positivist currents. However, in the 20th century, two great thinkers emerged that not only brought a new metaphysical basis to Brazil, but also presented themselves as the fruit of a new Brazilian philosophical era, where philosophers are considered as thinkers more concerned with developing a philosophy more rooted in society. Brazilian culture, in addition to also having a methodological concern. 


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