The role of (inter) subjectivity vaziana in brazilian society: a search for the ethos politicization in times of Covid-19


  • Daniel da Silva Vieira
  • José Gleison Silva Carlos


Subjectivity. Intersubjectivity. Society. Ethos. Covid-19.


This article will address the question of the human being in the relationships that constitute him as being called to totalization. The wide global problem of the Covid pandemic 19 is taken as a working tool to make visible something that resonates again: the great debate about subjectivity in its social parameters, erroneously interpreted as reductionism. Using the thought of the philosopher Henrique Cláudio de Lima Vaz, on which Santo Tomás de Aquino and Hegelian dialectics are based, we will provide another look at this reality that can be said to be of extreme importance for the future of the very human being and also of the society in which he is inserted. In the lines that follow, we will first approach a comparison between subjectivity and intersubjectivity, their relationships and their dependencies, and then we will bring about a rediscovery of the meaning of existence that encompasses freedom and uniqueness through the use of the ethical character of relationships widely verified in a well-defined social ethos defined. 


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