Subjectivity and alterity in the literary tissues of Patativa do Assaré: traces of an ethos and ethics of responsibility


  • Marcelo Feitoza Muniz


Ethic. Ethos. Subjectivity. Otherness.


This text intends to expose a reflection on the relationship of subjectivity and otherness present in the poetry of Patativa do Assaré and, from this relationship, present and reflect on the assumptions that allow us to think about Ethos and an Ethics based on his work. The present text is based on a phenomenological method, in which, through a bibliographic clipping, we analyze the texts, articles, books and, above all, the poetry of Patativa do Assaré and the presentation of the Ethos of life presented by the aforementioned bard. Therefore, we will support the concepts of Subjectivity and Alterity presented by Emmanuel Lévinas and the concept of Ethos and Ethics presented by Lima Vaz. Initially, we can say that the poetry of Patativa offers us subsidies to think about an Ethos that takes root and is formed in the dry ground, on Earth, in the Oikos of Homem Sertanejo, where he builds his subjectivity. Therefore, Patativa's Poetry not only presents the formation of man's subjectivity in its most essential relations of sensibility, but also becomes the prophetic witness announcing the suffering Other who challenges the commitment and the Ethical responsibility of the Same. 


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