About the Journal

Revista Kairós was founded in 2004 with the objective of being the journal that represents the Faculdade Católica de Fortaleza (FCF) in the most diverse academic spaces in the local, regional and national scene. Its origin lies in the motivation to be a vehicle for the discussion and publication of scientific themes, to participate in the debates in the Humanities and, finally, in the desire to mobilize researchers interested in sharing the results of their research with the scientific community. The journal's objective is to collaborate with the dissemination of debates in these areas through the publication of scientific texts based on solid arguments and reflection on timeless issues that pervade the challenges faced by human beings. To do this, Kairós publishes articles that contemplate the discussions concerning the Human Sciences, in general.


Focus and Scope

Kairós is an interdisciplinary journal from the Faculdade Católica de Fortaleza that focuses on the dissemination of scientific articles, reviews and translations, by national and foreign researchers, with a minimum degree of Specialists. Its target audience are teachers, students and those interested, in general, in the Human Sciences, as well as in their discussions and theoretical frameworks. To this end, the journal has a Scientific Committee recognized in its area of expertise.


Evaluation process

Each scientific text submitted for review by Revista Kairós will be forwarded to at least one reviewer. In case the latter recommends not publishing the text, it will be immediately sent to another evaluator. In the event of a tie between editorial decisions, a third party will be consulted.

In order to ensure confidentiality in the authors identities, the blind-review system was adopted, in which the referees do not have access to the researchers identity, only to their text. The evaluators will have the option of the following opinions: 1) Accept for publication; 2) Accept with suggested corrections; 3) Reject for publication.

The sight will depend on the adequacy to the following requirements: 1) Originality; 2) Contribution to the humanities debates; 3) Adequacy of the title, abstract and keywords to the remaining content; 4) Relevance of the references; 5) Relevance of the theme; 6) Adequacy to the cultured norm of the Portuguese language (in the case of texts published in other languages, it follows the recommendation on the cultured norm for the language used); 7) Argumentative clarity; 8) Compliance with the objectives proposed by the authors.

The author is free to adapt his text to the recommendations and corrections given by the referee (s). However, the publication of the text is conditioned to the realization of these guidelines.

The evaluation process is confidential. In the case of an opinion contrary to publication, the text will be returned to the author. Only the editor has access to the authors names and to the full evaluation of the referees.

To publish in Revista Kairós, you must have a minimum degree of Specialist, or higher degrees, even for a co-author.

The period from the submission of a text until its publication takes, on average, 6-12 months, depending on the evaluation, the availability of reviewers and the time that the authors will take to comply with the evaluation recommendations.

After publishing in a number of Revista Kairós, the authors will only have their works published in the journal after the interval of a number, and may publish again in the subsequent edition.



Revista Kairós adopts the policy of semiannual periodicity.


Flow of receipt of articles

Revista Kairós receives articles, reviews and translations in continuous flow.

In the case of dossiers, informations on the start and end dates of receipt of texts will be informed on the journal's website.


Free access

The Revista Kairós has free access to its content.

To purchase current or previous editions of its printed version, we recommend contacting the magazine via email: periodicos@catolicadefortaleza.edu.br.

No submission fee is charged.


About placement rights

When submitting his scientific text to the Journal, the author transfers his right of publication to the Kairós. However, this does not interfere with the author's disclosure of his publications, which should be done by citing the edition of Revista Kairós in which the text was published, under penalty of incurring plagiarism.



The texts published in Revista Kairós must be unpublished. In the case of texts submitted to Kairós and other journals, at the same time, it is recommended that the authors notify the journal at the time of submission.


Ethical conduct

Revista Kairós adopts the recommendations of the Comitee on Publications Ethics (COPE) on research ethics.

It is the translator's responsibility, in accordance with Law Nº 9610, of February 1996, to seek proper authorization to translate any manuscripts.

It is recommended that, in the case of researchers receiving funding, such as research grants, the funding agency that helped in the realization of the scientific text should be duly mentioned.



Citations are a common and desirable practice in academia, in all sciences. However, using excerpts without proper mention of the author, even in their own texts, whether in the form of direct or indirect quotation, is subject to the Plagiarism Law, Nº 10,695, of July 1, 2003.

Kairós recommends that any complaints of plagiarism be immediately communicated to the email of periodicos@catolicadefortaleza.edu.br.

Suspicions of plagiarism will be investigated internally following the following procedures: 1) Receiving the complaint; 2) Scanning the text in the Copy Spider anti-plagiarism program; 3) Scanning the text by simple Google search; 4) Confirmation or Invalidation of the complaint.


Responsibility of the Journal and the Authors

Revista Kairós is responsible for confidentiality during the editorial process, for the archiving of texts for a period of five years and for their dissemination, which is done through the portals of national and foreign journals.

Authors are responsible for the reliability of their sources, the content exposed and the argumentative methodology adopted.

Even if the content is the responsibility of the authors, Kairós defends free expression, scientific impartiality and the appreciation of the human person, which reverberates in its publications. Based on these principles, if necessary, the journal may publish errata and retractions from previous issues.


Creative Commons International 4.0 License

Revista Kairós follows the Copyright recommendations provided by Creative Commons 4.0 (CC BY), which ensures:

1) The copyright of publication for the journal;

2) The right of the author and readers, in general, to use the information published in the magazine's manuscripts, as well as to distribute and adapt them, provided that mention is made of the publication of Revista Kairós.

3) Disclosure of published texts is allowed, with due reference to the journal and its authors being recommended.

Licença Creative Commons

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.