Ethics and faith: a new perception of Joseph's life in Egypt
Joseph. Character. Cristianity.Abstract
This article presents a new perception about Joseph's life in Egypt, with the aim of analyzing how he related to the success, fame and wealth achieved while living an ethical life with a firm belief in his faith. The analysis of Joseph's character shows that he had some characteristics that can serve as an example to Christians today, such as responsibility, diligent work, personal and professional ethics, respect and obedience to parents and to God, integrity and high morals. His ethical stance was based on the fear of God and his pure and upright character in any situation or condition was responsible for his prosperity. For his exemplary character before God and before men, Joseph is considered a type of Christ, because he showed in his life the same character required of a son of God. José's relationship with success, fame, wealth, politics, offers lessons that can help the Christian to learn to live an ethical and integral life before God and society. In our time, Jesus requires men of faith, whose integrity is not compromised and can assume important positions in the Kingdom of God.
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