Amor líquido e amor caritas: visão da Logoterapia sobre relações amorosas na contemporaneidade


  • Prescilla Rocha de Sousa
  • Lisieux D’Jesus Luzia de Araújo Rocha


Liquid love. Contemporaneity. Love caritas. Logotherapy.


In contemporary societies, the dimension of love comes in a wide variety of models and practices that coexist and, often, are antagonistic. Recently, economic, technological and cultural developments led to the emergence of a new and influential form of love that Bauman has defined as "liquid". In the Brazilian society, besides increasing impact of "liquid love" in relations, it is also evident, as the result of the influence of ancient Christianity, a relevant presence of another kind of love that Benedict XVI has distinguished itself as "caritas". In order to contribute to a better understanding of the complex psychological dynamic of human relations affected by models and practices of “liquid”/ ”caritas” loves, we carry out a comparative study between both. The methodology used in this qualitative research was based on content analysis of literature of Bauman and Benedict XVI. The categorical analysis proved to be effective to highlight the features present on the concepts of love, their meanings and relationships. The theory of logotherapy was used as referential approach to support the research. The comparative categories that emerged showed relevant to the objectives of this research: freedom, responsibility, sense of life, capable of suffering, openness to the transcendent, dynamic love, ability to bind, alterity and the concept of love.


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How to Cite

DE SOUSA, P. R.; ROCHA, L. D. L. de A. Amor líquido e amor caritas: visão da Logoterapia sobre relações amorosas na contemporaneidade. Kairós: Revista Acadêmica da Prainha, Fortaleza, v. 10, n. 1, p. 84–100, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jan. 2025.


