Rituais e rostos híbridos de Canindé
Ritual. Identity. Society. Exclusion. Denunciation. Modernity.Abstract
In cultures in contact with Canindé, some aspects of African-Brazilian and Indigenous’ traditions are observed. It is a danger the invasion of the other withdrawing within each the essential elements that constitute the skeleton’s identity: beliefs, values, the wealth. That is why the burned soil Canideense steps a hybrid culture of “possession”, “domination”. That social way of construction of the reality, which is the possession itself, tells us about someone else’s domination and ownership. Who would be that one who invade the human being but the social impositions, explorer’s dominations, eager people and systems of profits and power? Culture provides means to protect men and safeguard a threatening identity for the new context. “What I am” turn into “wherein I believe”. Through religious rituals people try to answer to some questions such as who I am in this new world, where the living saint and spirits constitute the reality, the accessible and available resource. The aim of that study was to look for the understanding through rituals and symbols considering the environment where they are inserted. The results reflect a new perception of devotions, the Modernity, the search of the direction, the identity, the conflicts and social interaction.
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