The contribution of Medellín and Puebla to the Theology of Liberation: option for the poor and Ecclesial Base Communities


  • Antônio Ronaldo Vieira Nogueira Faculdade Católica de Fortaleza (FCF)


Option for the por. Base Ecclesial Communities. Medellín. Puebla. Liberation Theology.


The celebration of the 50th anniversary of Liberation Theology must make us recapture the relevance/relevance of this theological-pastoral and theoretical-practical movement not only within the Church, but in the transformation of society. This theology was produced and/or unleashed in the heart of two large Latin American Episcopate Conferences: Medellín and Puebla. Our article intends to present two great and central aspects of the Latin American journey and which had their beginnings in these two Conferences: option for the poor and Ecclesial Base Communities. Our reflection will not develop how these themes appear in Liberation Theology. We simply want to show how in Medellín and Puebla there is the fruitful beginning of this reflection and practice that mark the identity of the Church and theology of our continent. Thus, our article is divided into three parts: in the first, we will present the theme of the option for the poor in Medellín and Puebla, making a comparison between them and showing their influence on the later Magisterium of the Church; in the second, we will show how the theme of Basic Ecclesial Communities also appears in the two Conferences and what are their current pastoral challenges; finally, by way of conclusion, we want to see how these themes can give new vigor to the Church and theology.


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How to Cite

VIEIRA NOGUEIRA, A. R. The contribution of Medellín and Puebla to the Theology of Liberation: option for the poor and Ecclesial Base Communities. Kairós: Revista Acadêmica da Prainha, Fortaleza, v. 18, n. 1, p. 9–32, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


