The discovery of propositional structure in the West and the end of Platonic dualism


  • Pedro Henrique Araújo Santiago Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)


Predication of names. Propositional structure. Participation of sensible things in intelligible forms. Predicative and linguistic mediation.Meanings of the Greek verb to be.


This investigation encompasses the ontological, epistemological and linguistic dimensions of Philosophy, insofar as the problem focuses on answering how the predication of names allows us to enunciate the participation of sensible things in intelligible forms. To this end, we present: the discovery of the propositional structure in the West, made by Plato in the Sophist; the Theory of Two Worlds, contained in the Phaedo and the Republic and; finally, taking into account the Republic's 'argument about things that are and are not' (V. 476a1-479b10), we explain a briefdistinction between communion (koinônia) and participation (methexis), together with the meanings of the Greek verb to be (einai) in the Republic (V. 476a1-479b10). The partial result of this research is that, even sustaining the ambiguity in the meaning of the Greek verb to be, it is only possible to attribute a predicative and linguistic mediation to the onto-epistemological gap between the intelligible and the sensible from the discovery of the propositional structure in the Sophist.


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How to Cite

SANTIAGO, P. H. A. The discovery of propositional structure in the West and the end of Platonic dualism. Kairós: Revista Acadêmica da Prainha, Fortaleza, v. 18, n. 1, p. 33–51, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


