Descartes' influence on Husserl's thought
Descartes. Edmund Husserl. Theory of doubt. Epoché. Intuition.Abstract
This paper shows how Descartes' philosophy had a relevant influence on part of Husserl's philosophical thought. There is a very close relationship in some aspects between Descartes' philosophy and Husserl's. In some points there seems to be a continuity, such as Descartes' notion of suspension of judgment and Husserl's epoché or the Cartesian concept of evidence and Husserl's intuition. Descartes' suspension of judgment and Husserl's epoché deal with putting a judgment in "parentheses", in suspension, that is, suspending a judgment about things. This consists in setting aside prejudices, theories, and pre-conceived assertions. In addition, Descartes' concept of evidence and Husserl's intuition are also similar. Both theories claim that knowledge is immediate and goes straight to the object. Thus, there is no discourse to attain knowledge. Therefore, there is a close relationship in some points of Descartes' and Husserl's philosophy.
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