The conception of mystery in the thought of Eudoro de Sousa
Mystery. Enigma. Poetry. Religion. Cipher. Silence.Abstract
The purpose of this article is to discuss the meaning and relevance of the Mystery in the thought of the Luso-Brazilian philologist, mythologist and Hellenist Eudoro de Sousa, analyzing his articles and essays published over more than 40 years of intellectual activity. Not exactly constituting a univocal category, nor a concept of unequivocal determination in a system of logical-discursive thought, rather associated with an unusual experience and without its own language, Mystery is approached in this article, both designating this same unusual experience, as with the sense of a cipher of the poetic-religious experience, whose reflection on it reveals Eudoro de Sousa's effort to approach and understand the ultimate and existentializing foundation of existence or of everything that came, comes and will come to be. In this sense, and constituting a fundamental notion of Mythology developed by Eudoro de Sousa, the notion of Mystery will play a central role in his conceptions about Anthropology, Philosophy, History, Poetry and Religion.
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