The tension between the God of faith and the God of philosophers in light of the contributions of Joseph Ratzinger's thought
God. Faith. Philosophers. Ratzinger.Abstract
There is an evident tension between the God of faith and the God of philosophers, i.e., between the God who appears in religious narratives and experiences and the more abstract God who appears in philosophical reflections. The first one seems to be dynamic and strongly relational, while the other seems to be distant and closed in on itself. Although this tension is not new to Christianity, that is where Joseph Ratzinger focuses his attention. Thus, we will see how Ratzinger greatly contributes to understanding this debate and how his solution involves the radical proposal to revise philosophy itself. With that said, we will go through a long philosophical, historical, and theological itinerary, through which Ratzinger also passes, in order to understand the genesis of that tension, how it presented itself in Israel and among the early Christians, and how it unfolded throughout the history of Christianity, until we reach Ratzinger's solution to the issue.
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