Being and Becoming at the beginning of the Science of Logic and the notion of Truth in the introduction of the Phenomenology of the Spirit: roots and assumptions of the hegelian proposal
Being. Becoming. Truth. Scienceof Logic. Phenomenology of Spirit.Abstract
The objective of this work is to offer an articulation of the thoughts of G.F.W. Hegel (1770-1831) based on the notions of Being and Becoming as a starting point for the Science of Logic and the concept of Truth in the Introduction to the Phenomenology of Spirit. These fundamental concepts make it possible not only to examine the principle from which the author starts to build his system, but a kind of trail that points to an arrival point. The relatively recent interest in the Science of Logic as a basis for an adequate understanding of the systematization of determinations of reality sheds light on the problem of the beginning and possibility of philosophy. Being, as a starting point, must find a place in consciousness for further determinations, especially in the treatment of truth, most clearly at the beginning of the Phenomenology of Spirit. We think we find in these two fundamental loci sufficient notions of the way in which Hegel proposes the determinations of being as reality for consciousness, as truth. Here it will be enough to assert an “ontology of truth” as a principle of philosophy.
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