Dom Lino Deodato Rodrigues de Carvalho: a Bishop from Ceará in the Church in São Paulo
History. Church. Contemporaneity. Dialogue.Abstract
Dom Lino Deodato Rodrigues de Carvalho was a bishop who was very concerned with the realities of Brazil and lived strongly in the Church in São Paulo between 1873 and 1894. Coming from Ceará, he followed the profound changes of the last quarter of the nineteenth century in São Paulo. Both the Brazilian Society and the Church present in São Paulo needed a well-prepared man and a bishop capable of perceiving and carrying out the urgent transformations. He devoted his entire episcopate to the Pastoral Visits, the Pastoral Letters, and the First Synod in São Paulo in 1888. A man and bishop of his time, he undertook an excellent sense of humanity and a valiant episcopal ministry. Remembering the 130th anniversary of his death in 1894 and on the occasion of the 280th anniversary of the creation of the Archdiocese of São Paulo (1745-2025), let us remember the valiant bishop, who was in the Paulopolitan Church for 21 years.
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