Pressure groups in Brazil
Pressure group. Lobby. Democratic State.Abstract
The pressure groups born from the human need to live collectively. And inside of a political regime (especially a democratic one) that they play fundamental role in representing interests before public instances, especially the legislative and executive ones. This action (act or activity) consists of lobby, which deserves further studies in Brazil and from the perspective of the 1988 Constitution. And more: just like in Italy, the Brazil desserve studies that identify the constitutionality of pressure groups, here understood as lobby. What is a pressure group, its difference from the interests groups, the derivation to the lobby (in a legal-professional concept) na the constitutional fundaments found in Brazil Constitutional Chart of 1988 are subject of this article, which will address the issue of pressure groups through qualitative analysis, with literary and documental references, exploring the situation that exists mainly in brazilian doctrine (compared to other foreign doctrines), but with na eminently normative intent.
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