The role of Catholic Seminaries in the introduction of philosophy in Ceará
Philosophy. Seminar. Ceará.Abstract
The Catholic Church played a fundamental role in the institutionalization of Philosophy in the Western world. It is enough to recall its contribution in the medieval period in safeguarding ancient manuscripts, in the work of copyists, in the translations and commentaries of the works of classical philosophers, and in the creation of Universities, based on the Cathedral Schools. In this sense, our research intends to present in general terms the role of Catholic Seminaries in the insertion of Philosophy in Ceará between the 19th and 20th centuries. First, we present a brief history of the insertion of Philosophy in Brazilian lands through the religious congregations of the Catholic Church (Colonial and Imperial periods). Then, we highlight the main Seminaries in Ceará, especially the Prainha Seminary (Fortaleza), and finally, we emphasize its importance in the constitution of a philosophical culture in our State.
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