The master as overcoming the despair of the Self in the first part of Soren Kierkegaard's The Sickness of Death
Despair. Faith. Teacher. Synthesis. Self.Abstract
Despair, according to Anti-Climacus, is based on the synthesis in which the spirit is composed. The self is composed of a relationship that relates to itself and within this relationship lies the dialectical tension between the poles: finitude and infinity, temporal and eternal, freedom and necessity, that is, an unfinished synthetic relationship and disjointed. Therefore, the synthesis needs a third party to base it, and this third party in the relationship, according to Johannes Climacus, is the Master, who is the gift and the telos of the imbalance of the synthetic relationship. To this end, the Master, as the truth is, and the condition to obtain it, is the driving force for overcoming the despair of the Self, a slave to the unfinished synthesis.
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