Diálogo inter-religioso ou macroecumenismo: uma necessidade para a conquista da paz e da justiça social
Interreligious Dialogue. Religions. God. Justice. Peace.Abstract
There is the recognition that religions still affect people's lives, even in the face of today's plurality, this time they can be instruments of peace or of discord, inequality or justice. As a witness to faith, religions can not be the instruments of division and destruction, this time, having firmness and security of the reality of God present in their religious diversity, every expression of faith is invited to make the movement of the encounter with the Others, not to discuss their doctrines or to superimpose criteria of truth on one another, but to establish criteria for the effective practice of a humanity worthy of the goods which Belongs as a creature of God who wants happiness and good to all. After all, interreligious dialogue or macroecumenism presupposes not only a dialogue of words, but of actions, based on the conviction of personal faith that guides the promotion of life in its most varied expressions, through the experience of peace and justice. This is the end of true dialogue.
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