A critical reading of Gianotti: what is the nature of contradiction in burguese contemporary?


  • Glauber Franco de Oliveira Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL)


Contradiction. Work. Logic. Language. Gianotti.


From the second half of the 20th century, Arthur Giannotti presents a Wittgensteinian and Hegelian reading of Karl Marx that provokes an inflection in the debate of contradiction in bourgeois capitalist sociability, inaugurating a paradigmatic interpretation in the present day of a Marx outside the discussion of the object in-itself, that is, outside an ontological status. Hegelian, because he would analyze that the idea of a real Marxian contradiction is deeply linked to the Hegelian speculative logic, of identity between object and concept, in the Concept and in the rational. And, Wittgensteinian, because the categories of capital are determinations of thought in Marx, which, being a grammatical syntax of capital, would manifest the contradiction inscribed only as an expression, an expanded expression. In which the author unites, in short, Hegel and Wittgenstein to criticize Marx. Such readings would spread widely in what would be recognized as “Marx Seminar”, a local and national USP project for Brazilian intellectuals and Marxists that would involve generations of thinkers. In view of this, it is important to problematize from the critical reading of Arthur Giannotti whether the bourgeois capitalist reality itself is or is not contradictory. In order to understand what is the nature of the contradiction in bourgeois contemporaneity. Until then, some important works, articles and interviews of the author were methodologically reviewed; its critics and students were rounded up; and collected some of the main arguments. Here, initial and partial results of a bibliographic, qualitative and theoretical research under development at PPGFIL/UFAL are presented.

Author Biography

Glauber Franco de Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL)

Mestrando bolsista da FAPEAL em Filosofia na Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL) com projeto de pesquisa acerca da natureza da contradição na contemporaneidade a partir da leitura de Arthur Giannotti. Vice-coordenador no Projeto de Extensão “Entendendo a crise brasileira atual” registrado na Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso. Bacharel em Serviço Social na Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso. Foi voluntário no Projeto de Extensão “Ultraliberalismo e Conservadorismo no Brasil atual” registrado na Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso. Tem experiência em Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão nas grandes áreas de Serviço Social e Filosofia, especialmente nas categorias marxianas e no debate marxista. No mestrado, ronda algumas tradições, tal como a Analítica, a Linguagem e a Dialética.


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