Perspectives for fighting personal and professional crises


  • Erico Xavier Faculdade de Filosofia e Teologia Jesuita de Belo Horizonte (FAJE)/Seminário Latino-Americano Adventista de Teologia


Crisis confrontation. Opportunities. Growth.


Crisis is a term associated with change, imbalance, uncertainty, lack, which can arise in unexpected moments and situations, affecting the person in different aspects, both personally, emotionally and professionally. In education, the crisis is also present in the character of a profession in crisis and of crisis in the profession. This topic is of current relevance for reflection on the different crises that affect people in order to seek solutions to face them. The objective of the research is to demonstrate that crises can be instruments of personal and professional growth when directed towards the search for balance and knowledge about the factors that generate them. Through bibliographic research in works covering the theme, some possibilities are presented to face the personal and professional crises that can devastate the teacher/educator in their professional experience, from a Christian perspective. The crisis in the professional and personal field can be faced with the search for knowledge of oneself and the situations, the recognition of personal responsibility and the strengthening of faith in God and in one's own ability to win with divine help. The conclusion reached is that it is possible to take advantage of crises and seek balance in crisis situations, seeing in them opportunities to grow in all aspects of life.


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