The meaning of life and its relation to the Transcendent in Soren Kierkegaard


  • Jorge Alan Maciel de Souza Centro Universitário Claretiano; Faculdade Sul Mineira


Man. Subjectivity. Individual. Existence.


In times of cultural, social, and political crisis, the question "what is man?" becomes necessary. In this sense, this scientific article aims to analyze Soren Kierkegaard's thought about existential problems from the bibliographic investigation of his works, enriching the research with other authors and commentators who will help to understand the thought of the Danish philosopher. In a first moment, existentialism was presented, introducing general lines of Kierkegaard's philosophy, and later the theme itself. The content of the work approaches the temporal dimension of man up to the existential stages, the center of Kierkegaard's thought. To this end, concepts that will help in the understanding were also approached, so that the reader may dive fruitfully into his thought.

Author Biography

Jorge Alan Maciel de Souza, Centro Universitário Claretiano; Faculdade Sul Mineira

Graduado em Gestão Pública pela Faculdade Estácio de Sá e licenciado em Filosofia pelo Centro Universitário Claretiano. Pós-graduando em Antropologia Cultural e em Direitos Humanos pela Faculdade Sul Mineira. Realiza pesquisas no campo da Fenomenologia, Ética e Antropologia.


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