Meetings, Partings and Reunions: a philosophical reading of Lost in Translation


  • Igor Nascimento Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)


Philosophy of cinema. Heidegger. Arendt. Beauvoir. Lost in Translation. Philosophy of love.


This work aims to develop, through the analysis of the film Lost in Translation (2003), some observations about the feeling of love and its existential aspect. Thus, through the discussion of scenes from the film, accompanied by remarks from the philosophy of Heidegger, Hannah Arendt and Simone de Beauvoir, it is argued that the feelings of love are relevant because they allow us to reunite with the world and to properly belong to it. In particular, the Heideggerian and Arendtian contribution is made by calling attention to how we are always in a certain mood, always affected in some way, and this shapes our world. While Heidegger did not deal in detail with the feeling of love, his vision is expanded with Arendt's idea of ​​amor mundi. Through Beauvoir, we have a specific philosophy of love, discerning between authentic and inauthentic loves, which are distinguished by the presence - or not - of recognition between the subjects. Authentic love is capable of reconnecting us with our world, of making us feel at home in it.


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