Relative knowledge and positive science: reflection on its limitations in Henri Bergson's philosophy


  • Thiago Simões Faculdade Católica de Fortaleza (FCF)


Relative Knowledge. Modern Science. Intelligence. Reality.


This article aims to reflect on the concept of Relative Knowledge based on the philosophy of the Frenchman Henri Bergson. In this way, we began the research by analyzing the ways of knowing something pointed out by Bergson, first we reflected on relative knowledge, highlighting its problems and limitations to establish a deep apprehension of things and also its implications in modern science. Then we seek to present the limitations of positive science, pointed out by Bergson, in relation to capturing the real. The text will show that, according to the philosopher, much of what we believe to be in fact the real, it is a delimited spatialization of intelligence so that we, with our tools, can capture something, but, indeed, what we understand and perceive is a fragmentation of reality, which before us is given in an inconceivable amplitude by human intelligence. Therefore Bergson seeks in his philosophy to move away from this form of knowledge and affirm the possibility of an intuitive method that allows us to approach reality more directly without the use of symbols.


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