Compassion and mercy in Luke 10:25-37: outline of a theological analysis
Compassion. Mercy. Good Samaritan. Pope Francis.Abstract
This paper studies the relationship between compassion and mercy in the pericope of Lk 10:25-37, which includes the Parable of the Good Samaritan. Luke presents Jesus as the expression of the Father's mercy. It is in his way of acting that we can see his merciful attitude towards people, especially the most needy and marginalized. In the parable we find a paradigm of how mercy and compassion can or cannot be exercised towards a fallen and wounded brother. Pope Francis has been promoting this theme since the beginning of his pontificate. We therefore aim to highlight, present and interpret the message of compassion and mercy contained in the pericope, relating it to the message of Pope Francis. As specific objectives, we intend to learn about aspects of Luke's Gospel and Jesus' proposal for an authentic experience of God's project, characterized by mercy and compassion. And also to relate the goodness of God manifested in the conduct of the Good Samaritan and update the conduct expected in relation to the “half-dead” people on the side of the road, from the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. This work was organized in a methodology composed of stages consisting of fundamental contexts about the Gospel and the evangelist Luke, a biblical-theological analysis of Luke 10:25-37, and an understanding of compassion and mercy in the light of the writings of Pope Francis, specifically Fratelli Tutti. As for the results and conclusions, the research is still in the process of being built, so the conclusions are preliminary.
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