Nietzsche's interpretation for the teaching of philosophy


  • Pedro Lucas Bonfá Vieira Ramos Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)


Nietzsche. New methodology. Philosophy high school.


The present communication aims to develop a new perspective for the teaching of philosophy in secondary education based on records of the philosophy of Nietzsche, bringing a discussion about a philosophical methodology considered suitable for philosophical teaching at the educational level. The aim is to apply the methodology in philosophy classes and, subsequently, evaluate it, with the purpose of verifying its validity for this teaching. Aiming at the need to improve philosophy teaching practices with a view to improving philosophical work in the classroom when teaching it, it is intended that the methodology developed will enable a more efficient learning of philosophy for teaching students. average. Thus, from the perspective of the German philosopher and records of his philosophy, the question arises: which methodological orientation can be considered more appropriate for teaching philosophy at secondary level, which can, in the practice and experience of this teaching, awaken in students reflections and an attitude and criticism towards the world and make them autonomous people to practice philosophizing, to build themselves and to improve the teaching of philosophy at secondary level? The discussion recommended in this communication revolves around presenting some of Nietzsche's criticisms of teaching methodology in 19th century German education, bringing relevant aspects of his philosophy to reflect on the teaching of philosophy in the current secondary level scenario, following- the presentation of notes on Nietzsche's philosophy for the construction of a philosophical teaching methodology, immediately following the presentation of the descriptive aspects that correspond to the process of application and evaluation of the results obtained from the developed methodology. Because, it is known that the human being, although being the only animal that differs from other animals due to the fact that it is rational, this, in turn, needs Culture and education. In this way, philosophical education falls precisely where human beings distance themselves from other animals – in thought. It is in the action of thinking and in education for philosophical reflection that philosophy must be characterized in the construction of knowledge as a discipline that proposes to high school students the development of their intellectual capacities and skills, the results of which can bring to light differentiated thinking. critical-philosophical and authentic of students, that consequently they are able, through the use of logical thinking, to intervene in the society in which they are inserted, in a full relationship of critical and creative perception about themselves and their culture, engaging in the task of contributing to the construction of a society of critical individuals who are aware of their purposes and actions for the existence of a better world.

Author Biography

Pedro Lucas Bonfá Vieira Ramos, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

Mestre em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)


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