The role of desires in Aristotelian ethics
Desire. Happiness. Soul. Ethics. Moral psychology. Aristotle.Abstract
Since the beginning of philosophy, questions have been raised about the nature of desire and its role in the search for happiness. Aristotle, concerned with understanding how to achieve a virtuous and fulfilling life, in his work Nicomachean Ethics presents us with the persuasion of the non-rational soul as a fundamental path to the acquisition of virtue. Unlike the traditional view that places reason as the only source of morality, Aristotle does not show the same disfavor of the participation of the non-rational in a happy life. The Stagirite argues that desire plays a crucial role in the construction of an individual's morality, since desire aligned with the commands of reason makes it possible to pave the way to happiness. In this research we embark on Aristotelian moral psychology, exploring how desire can be shaped to seek what is good and act in accordance with the principles of rationality.
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