The ethical and social dimension of love in Santo Augustine


  • Michel Platinir Silva Damasceno Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)
  • Eliabe Lima Caraúba Faculdade Kurius


Love. God. Ethic. Peace.


In this article we will focus on the ethical and social dimension of love contained in Augustinian philosophy. Realizing the importance of love for the relationship between man and God and between individuals, we wil  begin our argumentative trajectory by analyzing how this feeling reveals itself as an ethical foundation of socialization, with crucial importance for community coexistence. Next, after indicating why Augustine considered love of neighbor as the fruit of true love, namely, that turned to the Creator, we will relate love and justice, seeking to understand how this conceptual pair unfolds in a fundamental way for the formation of the State, since it presents itself as the ethical foundation at the service of peace and social relations. Finally, we will take as a basis the concepts of amor sui and amor dei in the perspective of building and maintaining peace.


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