The category God in Eric Weil's Logic of Philosophy: an introductory journey


  • Onésimo Alves de Mesquita Universidade Estadual do Ceara (UECE)


God. Category. Attitude. Sense.


The present article, entitled The Category of God in Eric Weil's Logic of Philosophy, aims to identify the importance of the category of God and the concept of resumption for the theoretical enterprise founded by the philosopher Eric Weil, in order to understand how it is It is possible to consider it as an essential ethical and political foundation, capable of guiding human actions in the direction of Meaning and Wisdom. To this end, based on a philosophical hermeneutics, the article presented will initially be dedicated to the exposition of the Logic of Philosophy, with the aim of discussing how Weil presents the category of God in the argumentative path based on the work, and then indicating its importance for the self-understanding of man himself who, in order to speak about God, needs to be revisited, considering that the subject does not have the language of revelation. Finally, an explanation will be made of the relevance of the retakes that enable the discourse about God based on the analysis of the categories Certainty, in which God appears as the being, Personality, which is of central relevance for Christian theology, and Meaning which, for Weil, is the arrival point of human discourse.

Author Biography

Onésimo Alves de Mesquita, Universidade Estadual do Ceara (UECE)

Mestrando em Filosofia pela Universidade Estadual do Ceara (UECE). Mestre em Teologia pela Faculdade de Teologia e Capelania (FAETEO). Licenciado em Filosofia pela Faculdade Única (Ipatinga). Bacharel em Teologia pela Faculdade Maciço de Baturité (FMB).


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Filosofia Moderna e Contemporânea